DEAR FLY FISHING FRIENDS, WELCOME TO THE NEW FLY FISHING SEASON UP NORHT. HOPE TO SEE YOU ON THE WATER 2017! At the same time I really want to Thank You All past fellow Fly Fishers, making my FLYFISH´S HOMEPAGE so successful so it ranked within the top 10 in the Top 1000 Sport-fishing Sites in both 1999, 2000, 2001 and ending up in 2002 as #1! Wow, Thanks again.(Counting since 2003 discontinued though). More site awards here if you like.
I wish You all Tight Lines and a very successful fly fishing year 2017. To set an aim for the coming season, I again, as usual, would like to use what Lefty Kreh once said, "Don't show knowledge - share knowledge." See you on the waters!
For fly fishing techniques we are familiar to nymphing (short & long line), wet fly fishing and dry fly fishing, as well as to fishing with lures. Roll casts, reach casts and air mending, well the most I think. Our favorite cast is the double haul as far as we can gooooo.....short intro here how to cast the fly.
For questions, please mail me (Please be patient if I don�t answer directly. I have problems with spamming).: Harry. ![]() |
If you want to succeed fishing an unfamiliar stream,
you should ask someone who goes there every day. (H.S) ![]()
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Flyfish´s Homepage - Now with Environment
(Continuously Updated!)
Fly Fest, ah - just could not hesitate to share this:
Fly Fishing Film Festival & Fly Fair 3rd - 4th October 2015.
For more info on the Fly Fest please read it here.WORLD FLY FISHING COMPETITION 2013 RESULTS
The 33rd World Fly Fishing Championship in Norway, August 11-18, 2013 ended ended in an almost traditional victory for the Czech team.
Further info and results here please!The excellent performance of the Czech fly fishing team members is phenomenal. When it comes to serious fishing they deliver! Also France is to be noticed with their consistency � almost every time within top three, also with many individual winners during the years. And by winning 4:th place in the recent World Fly Fishing Championships, Finland consolidated, their supremacy in fly fishing amongst the Nordic countries, and their place within the world top nations in fly fishing. With two individual placing within top ten, and with host country Norway�s best fly fisher on 20th place, the message is obvious. Unfortunately, Sweden was this time not able to blame politeness, for not being better placed, as before when they hosted the competition. At the same time the best individual placing at 61th place, probably also can mirror the deep ambivalence in Sweden when it comes to fly fishing competitions. Small summary below: SALMON RUN IN NORTHERN SWEDEN CLAIMED TO BE THE BEST IN 100 YEARS!
Earlier research, in Swedens Vindel�lven and Ume�lven on upstream migrating sea trout counted in a fish-ladder, showed that 42.7 % of all passing fish from year 1974 to 1997, were of wild origin and that the annual average was only 29 individuals per year. Hence it was concluded that the wild anadromous Sea trout in these rivers are near extinction, despite the effort with stocking programs.
For the initial
abstract on the previous Sea trout issue, please go
here!But since then new ideas, with the added results of diminishing the netting and catches of wild Salmon in the Gulf of Botnia, has proven results and this year�s spawning run in Byske-, Torne- and Ume- rivers as well as in other rivers holding Salmon look to be sensational and is said to be the best run in 100 years. Reports on Sea Trout will follow eventually, hopefully it will show similar pattern. WORLD FLY FISHING COMPETITION 2013
The 33rd World Fly Fishing Championship in August next year will be held in Norway, August 11-18, 2013.
For a summary of the comp please read it here.RUTLAND YOUTH FLY FISHING DAY 2012
"After nearly 4 months of near constant rain the 22nd of July 2012 dawned bright and sunny, with a warm South Westerly breeze scudding cloud across a sky that was actually blue. Some thought they were dreaming; someone might even have sold their soul", tells the Rutland Water Fly Fishers when 84 children aged between 10 and 17, took part in a range of morning activities. There was fly tying, casting instructions and much more - not to say fishing of course.
Ah well why not read more here!CHECKING NEWS FROM DOWN UNDER
Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships 2012 will have interesting participants Read more here! The comp will be held in Tasmania.
In the 8th Oceania Fly Fishing Championships, the team Captain of the Australian World Fly Fishing Team that competed in Sweden 2001, Craig Coltman won. Fortunately I had the privilege to aid his World Fly Fishing team in preparing for the competitions then. They were a very nice bunch of guys and I learned a lot. I still have very many happy memories, from preparations, fishing, and their friendly camaraderie. Congrats Craig!
Full story here as well as direct link to FlyFishAustralia! THE 2011 FINNISH INTERNATIONAL FLY FAIR
This years April fly fair in Finland , reveal generosity and skills as the hallmark of the Fly Fishing Fair.
For a full
review and coming fly fair please go
here!Read more of our reports here! 2010 WORLD FLY CASTING COMPETITION
Just a small note on the recent results of the World Fly Casting Championship in Norway, 13 - 15 August 2010. For all interested, "Norges Castingforbund" arranged and on the following link to their site, You will have the final competition results.
For all interested in results of the event in Poland, June 2010, I have some useful information on the location, waters etc. Just follow the link below.
I really love the fly fishing in lakes, and this years fly fishing competition did really give us outside the Brittish Isles a new angle. Quoting the Czech fly fishing specialist Martin Musi in his comment: The "isles" teams of England, Scotland and Wales were supposed (to do well in the competition) and the teams such as France and Finland simply surprised me. The French always really know how and moreover their draw is usually very good. The Finns, whose young team has suitable lakes with occurrence of wild browns for preparation, and this shows their excellent 4th place.
Ah well why not read more here
Ah well why not read more here!2008 WORLD FLY FISHING COMPETITION NEW ZEALAND
In the absence of both Sweden and Norway, Finland alone had to defend their previous good placing in the 28th FIPS Mouche World Fly-Fishing Championships 2008 in Rotorua, New Zealand. By winning the 10th place, they proved that they also master the fly fishing on the other side of the globe. Adding to that they also were 1 cm close to winning �the biggest fish caught in the competition� award from John Horsey in the English team who incidentally won the 4th place .
But the hats of for the Czech Republic Team. Again the team excelled their short line nymph fishing, whilst the reservoir techniques had improved considerably since last championships in New Zealand rewarding them with a comfortable victory.
Of course the New Zealand team had to prove their knowledge on home waters and managed the second place. The skilled French team again won a podium place in the competition, again showing that their all round fly-fishing skills can match any other team in the world.
This year Finland hosted the 27th FIPS-Mouch� World Fly Fishing Championships. Last time in Finland and Kuusamo 1989, the championships were a huge success with memorable fishing in the light of the midnight sun close to the russian border.
This years competition was no less memorable. The French team proved again their high international skill and won with the Czech team as runner up. Host nation Finland - again proving their high standard - winning the third place. Next World Championships will be held in North Island, New Zealand in March 2008.
A turbulent competition where many anglers struggled and others had their full share of fish in Sava-Bohinjka, Sava-Dolinjka and Sava rivers saw the Slovenian team as winners 2006. The Italian team was second and the Czech team was third. From Scandinavia the Finns were the only team to represent Nordic fly fishing. Sadly enough they were one of the unlucky teams to draw an impossible beat to fish and they ended 10th.
France with Finland as runner up shared the victory in 2005 World Fly Fishing Championship in Swedish Lapland. Czech Republic team was third while the hosting nation Sweden politely was keeping low scores. With this result Finland again proved to belong to the top nations in fly fishing. Hopefully the event previously held in Kuusamo, Finland 1989 will be hosted there again.
It was a thrilling event for us that took part, and it was also the first time the boom over the Russian-Finnish border river was lifted for us anglers.
For fishing service go here!FQSA 2005 SALMON FLY TYING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP
Now in 2005 -the 22nd consecutive year that the FQSA organizes its world wide Salmon Fly Tying Championship- it proves to be the leading competition for innovative salmon fly tyers! With entrants from several countries such as Argentina, Canada, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Norway and The United States, most winners -almost traditionally too- are mainly from Finland and Canada.
You are invited to see further results on their Website in
the championship section.
For further info and all the winners please go
Again Sweden, starting with hosting the European fly fishing competition in 1997 to raise awareness of Lapland fishing, arranges the World fly fishing competition in Southern Swedish Lapland in August 2005. We have already been alerted by many teams who want our services for practice. More later.
In The Netherlands, they call Rudd the Dutch trout because it fights on the hook like a trout. -I like fishing with a light fly rod, says Richard. He likes to use a 4 line 9ft with a long leader about 3.5 meter with a dry fly or a nymph on the tippet.
Read the whole story here!CICADA FISHING ON GREEN RIVER
Cicada fishing can be really thrilling.
Kevin has been kind to send this report!Cicadas don't fly extremely well and when trying to traverse a river the size of the Green, many of them don't make it and fall on the water. What a meal for the trout! GREENLAND HELPS ATLANTIC SALMON TO SURVIVE
Greenland is joining their Government and Salmon Conservation Organizations on both sides of the Atlantic to protect the Atlantic salmon.
For a full
report please go
here!The shoals of salmon that are migrating through northern waters will now have a much better chance of returning to their home rivers in Britain, Ireland, Norway, Scandinavia as well as continental Europe and North America... SEA TROUT IN DAMMED RIVERS DO NOT SURVIVE
Research in Swedens Vindel�lven and Ume�lven on upstream migrating trouts counted in a fish-ladder showed that 42.7 % of all passing fish from 1974 to 1997 were of wild origin and that the annual average was 29 individuals per year. It is concluded that the wild anadromous trout in these rivers are near extinction despite the effort with stocking programs.
For a full
abstract on the issue please go
Previously it has been difficult to find good links on river preservation.
Here you can check out new linksHowever I have added some good ones, both non profit and commercial.
Bad management, overfishing and pollution are some reasons why
our fish die.
Here you can read
more and make your own decision!One way to aid forces trying to help fish survive is to support them.
The cod, says Kurlansky, "is not a nice guy": fecund,
voracious, omnivorous - "if ever a fish were made to
it is the Atlantic cod. But it has among its predators man, an open-mouthed species greedier than the cod".
With the dramatic reports on overfishing, I again just
can´t help promoting this fascinating little book
so please I hope you like the link to a review by Ann Skea for you to explore. THE 2002 NORDIC FLY FAIRS IN SWEDEN AND FINLAND
This years fairs in Finland and Sweden, show that computer
technology these days is closely knit to today's development of
fly gear, education and accessories .
For a full
review and coming links to interesting exhibitors please go
here!Read more of our news here! |
Valuable links
The International Fly Fishing Association Fly fishing in Norway-help saving our rivers Our link of the next Month too: |